MONOWAI RESCUE – Colin Wynn (RNZN Collection)
In 1994, en route towards Tonga at the start of a 3-month survey deployment, MONOWAI became embroiled in what was to become the largest maritime search and rescue operation ever mounted out of New Zealand. A number of yachts heading as part of a regatta on their way to Tonga to commence the cruising season became embroiled in an unseasonal ‘weather bomb’.
MONOWAI, a French navy ship, a fishing vessel and 2 merchant vessels were involved in the operation. 21 people were rescued from 7 yachts; MONOWAI rescued 8 people from 3 yachts and was involved for a little over 5 days. Sadly, one yacht, Quartermast out of Gulf Harbour was lost, and although we spent several days looking for them (and spent several hours in a fruitless pursuit of a runaway liferaft assumed to have come from the yacht) no trace of the crew of 3 was found.
Various articles, and books (one very good – one excreable!) have been published and an excellent documentary was made by Ninox films for TV3. The video can now be found on YouTube and links to various articles and items can be found using the sub menus above.